The alarm clock rings and you hit the snooze button. Again. A few snoozes later, you are jolted from your sleepiness when you realize that you have overslept, and you feel drained, contrary to what you wanted to achieve when you hit that button for a few more precious moments of slumber.
Sounds familiar? The snuggle is real. Most of us crave productivity and strive to live effective lives, but are often riddled with feelings of defeat when time is unknowingly whittled away. To help us Start The Day Right, we look at some tried and tested ways to propel us into mental places of peace, purpose and productivity! Are you ready to explore? First, give yourself a compassionate hug, and then consider these useful pointers:
1. "Vision is a picture of the future that produces passion" - Bill Hybels
What is One thing you want to change in your life right now? Could it be a physical issue? An unwanted behavior? An emotional roadblock? A tough decision you're avoiding? A mental barrier? Ask yourself where you would like to see a change and how achieving that would look and feel like. Meditate on that vision of the possible future. Visualize it vividly, and imagine the path that you will take to get to that desired place. Then write down or draw out your hopes, dreams and plans and put it in a visible place so you can see it when you first wake up. Our brains do well with that positive reminder and it helps to energize and shift our mindsets towards proactively making those dreams a reality.
2. Hug Your Loved Ones

(This includes your furchildren)
Hugging someone you love gives you a reminder of who you are and who you are living for - who is precious to you and why it is important for you to be present for them. This empowers you to maximize your moments and to do your best in being with them, providing for them, or loving on them in other ways.
Sharing a hug also reminds you that you are loved, and that you can give love. Plus, hugs help to generate oxytocin, a powerful hormone that lowers stress levels, reduces cortisol and modulates blood pressure. Hugs may also speed up wound healing!
3. Get Your Spoons Ready
Growing up, I always found it the easiest to get out of bed when I could smell the aroma of breakfast waiting for me. Don't just settle for the mundane - make a list of your favorite breakfast dishes and get them prepped and ready the night before! Make yourself a delicious chia seed pudding and top it up with our scrumptious Maple Pecan Granola for a gluten free, vegan treat! Or if you prefer a hot breakfast from time to time, try preparing the ingredients to these veggie breakfast tacos and entice yourself out of bed with a warm and hearty start to your day.
4. Move It!

Breathe in some fresh morning air and wake your body up in with a good workout. Well-known to be a habit of the highly successful, starting the day with exercise sets you up for improved blood circulation, stamina, mood and even mental outlook for the entire day! Choose your comfortable intensity or style, and with a plethora of zoom workout programs available now, we have less reason to not make that 7:30am class before work-from-home starts! Or take a gentle walk at your nearest park, do 10 minutes of stretching in your bed, or put in bursts of energy via a HIIT workout in your living room. The possibilities are endless, and your energy levels will thank you.
If you are new to working out, remember to exercise safely, and patiently build up your strength and stamina slowly and steadily. And remember re-fuel yourself well after, with nutritious breakfast foods like our Gluten Free Dark Chocolate Granola that has only 2.5g of sugar per serving.
As the saying goes, " Today is the first day of the rest of your life". So celebrate a fresh start every morning with the things that energize you and help you to Start The Day Right, everyday!
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